Thursday, February 28, 2008


This one is 38"x50"
I'm going red these days


Cookedart said...

Looks great... red always has such a visceral impact I find....

Pretty large format you're drawing to!

Philip Thomas said...

I couldn't hold it in any longer....but you're awesome!!!!! I'm really diggin' the new posts. Keep it up!

guno park said...

Thanks guys!
I think I'm gaining more control as I go larger.

Junyu Zhao-(JUMONJIE) said...

those days so busy on maya, didn't draw much,ha you drawing wake me up. you becomes like water haha ,makes me wanna draw bigger, free of control. see you in life draw class Joe.

guno park said...

be like water JU!! haha.

gmangmang said...

Awsome work Joe!

I'm inspired...I'm glad to see you taking the path of the fine artist...I hope to follow in your footsteps one day.

large formats's no easy feat either

RiceEyes said...

OooH SHIT!!! i remember this drawing, too sick!