Tuesday, June 13, 2006

.some of my recent.


James© said...

awesome stuff joe! i especially like the life drawing of the girl and the interior of the car.. very inspirational!

also thanks for all the advice you've given to me, i find them very helpful and can see how it has improved my life drawing and drawings in general.

Cuxo said...

hi joe, i like those sketchbook drawings, they make me want to draw, so i guess they've achieved their goal.

JU (JunYu Zhao) said...
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JU (JunYu Zhao) said...

ho,as james and cuxo's word I like those drawing,and as you said to us in class,I think I should draw more.on the other hand I have to keep going to extra life every day. thanks for show us your stuff and instructs me in lifedrawing class.